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PENG!Zax's right hand penetrated through the crack. His hand sank into the rock up to the wrist. In a scorch sound the rock split in two. The shocking thing was that inside there was truly nothing."It can't be!" Zax was dazed. Blood covered his fingers and dripped from them to ground. Using his Soul Sense Zax ran around, searching for the lost Earth's Cores."Stop him!" Dane called. He was sorry that he asked Zax if there were Earth's Cores in the rock. Because of him, he thought, Zax went crazy. "I'll miss your pale-blue eyes, they always reminded me of the happy times from our childhood. Well, your new eyes are pretty too, or should I say dangerously mysterious? I know men don't like being called pretty. However, I guess it's better this way. It had to be boring in that cage all the time. You'd better behave though, or I'll personally cage you again!" Athea warned sternly.Growling Roban wrapped her up in his arms and stood up, Athea happily giggling and squirming returned his. .. where else do you have to be?" She leant in and kissed Aine."Let's go upstairs," whispered Aine, trying to get away from Teagan's kiss right there on the street, even though there wasn't another soul around.They went up to Teagan's flat "Only for a little while", said Aine. Teagan opened a bottle of wine. They sat and talked, not really about anything.Half way through the third bottle, Teagan smiled at Aine. "I'm going to run a bath. You can join me or not..." then turned and stepped toward. Are you here to deliver it?”“I don’t know what you are talking about. Identify yourself!”“My name doesn’t matter, I just need to take the potion and give it to Cyrilo. Do you have it or not?”“I will only give it to her, no one else.”Noah conjured his bow and shot the man with an invisible arrow. It was planted in his thigh, prompting him to curse in pain and drop to his knees. He stared at the wound, feeling the arrow but not seeing it, then gasping as it seemingly materialized out of thin air..
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