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Just says it'll be a surprise."The bus pulled noisily to the corner and the girls boarded.The outside of the prison was concrete, high and foreboding. The two teens looked at each other for encouragement. Although Marlene had visited before she always dreaded having to enter through those imposing gates and steel doors. She sensed Trixie hesitating."It's okay -- really."Trixie returned a half smile which was obviously feigned. The two proceeded through the gates after a check of identification,. She especially liked the way her new bra pushed her breasts up and out. After fastening her garters to her stockings she took another look at the mirror and quite nearly swooned. The dress fit perfectly, seductively hugging her lithe frame. She put on the high heels and noticed how they made her calves stretch into a taut flex, accentuated by the black silk stockings. He had better appreciate this. She transferred a few essential belongings into her new purse and began. Reid took the movement as approval and pressed harder, the tip of his finger sliding easily into her body, his soap covered hands making the invasion smooth. Beth moaned low in her throat, as Reid began to slide his finger deeper into her ass, the nerves firing and sending shudders through Beth’s body. He began to slide in and out, the soap and now her own juices mingling to make her hole wet and compliant. Beth began to moan faster, wondering if she was going to come without Reid touching her. After entering we were stopped at a locked airlock system, since nobody wanted idiots wandering into a television studio on their own. I gave my name, and somebody came to escort us inside. Seamus had never been to a television studio before, and he stared with amazement at everything. He was a bit disappointed, though, when the first place we went was a conference room. Inside we found Sandra Kellogg and a couple of younger men.“Grim, good to see you again. Who’s this?”I shook Sandra’s hand..
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