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He considered wrapping her in a blanket and going off to bed, but he decided against it. He had been gone too long, spent too many nights aching just to feel her breath on the back of his neck as they slept. He clicked off the lamp by her head and, as carefully as he could, lifted her into his arms. He carried her up the stairs slowly, holding her close while trying hard not to wake her. The whole time she never stirred, and he reached the top of the stairs and took her to their bedroom. He. He mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago he was being compensated in a similar fashion. I asked him if he had got into her cunt, but she told him the same story about not wanting to get pregnant.They turn into the conference room. Gail and I watch as they embrace and start to make out. We look at each other and start to laugh.We can hear them through the door. Sandy says, "Joe, ever since I saw this huge oak table, I've wanted to fuck on it. I want to get naked in the middle of the table on all. "Now close your eyes for me, no peeking." I closed my eyes tight.Moments later, I felt the bed move as Lena climbed on. " Now," she said in a calm voice, "turn over and get in to position for me." I knew the position she meant, on my hands and knees with my arse in the air. I knelt on the bed with my head resting on the pillows, my pussy began to gush. I heard her gasp quietly and then the faint click of buckles being fastened, and I knew that she was now wearing a strap-on, but I didn't know. As I licked up and down, her moane became louder, and she started slowly pushing her pussy into my face. I ate her slowly, teasingly, and then, all of a sudden, I plunged my toungue deep into her sweet, wet pussy. I was eating her out full-force now, but my mind was still back at the bar, on that little Asian chick in the purple panties! My wife, by now, was holding my head, pressing it into her tasty pussy, moaning loudly, and telling me to eat her fucking pussy, and to make her cum. That.
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