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In fact, Burl had brought over a very nice changing table that looked like it cost a fortune. Maggie had been so overwhelmed that she had cried upon seeing it.Burl said, “That sounds reasonable to me. I mean, you have to take care to keep the baby healthy.”“The damned things cost five hundred each after getting them installed,” George said. “It would have cost more, but the guy dropped the price for cash payment.”“Cash is king,” Burl said.“You can say that again. The eff-ing government makes it. "Where the hell have you been?" his voice fairly crackled."Oh," she trilled lightly, "I didn't know you were awake, darling..." I asked you where you've been, darling!"Well, if you must know... I was downstairs, at the Holloway's. Thelma was having some trouble with a needlepoint design she's doing... and I was helping her on..." Evelyn recited, telling just enough of the truth to make it plausible."Very domestic!" Fred grated. "... But you're lying... because I saw you!" What's that supposed. His mouth opened. She found his tongue hot, moist. She swirled it around the tip of his tongue. The kiss made her pussy twinge. But he was so fuckin' slow!She felt his hand move down her lap and his fingers rubbed against her crotch.She pushed away from him and smiled."Johnny tells me that you've never laid a girl before," she whispered.Maybe if she got him to talk dirty, he'd make a move. She wanted him to be the aggressive one, but her swollen cunt was getting itchier by the minute.But. She pulled a small stool and stood on it with her ass facing me. Her pussy was perfectly close to my face now and then I started to lick her pussy. My face was buried between her ass cheeks and I continued to taste her pussy. It tasted really good.She moaned a lot and her moaning was audible in that silent place. She took a support of the nearby wall to hold herself standing in that position because her knees started to shake. I licked her pussy walls and her ass cheeks. She snapped at my hands.
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