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Never the less I was somewhat surprised to see two Hispanic ladies in aprons and white gloves busily working away in the elevator. One - middle-aged-ish, short hair, fat - was shining brass on her knees just by the entrance.I pressed the button for the top floor and waited till the elevator was between 2. and 3. Then I hit the emergency brake. I never wear underwear and when the fat one turned her head to see what was wrong, I had my penis ready. Grapping her jaw with my left hand I pushed. Parts of the other races live here, but humans outnumber them all, holding massive pieces of land.Just north of Elanium are just icy, barren lands. Northern wastelands or just wastelands are they called, home to demons, orcs, undead, everything dark and bloodthirsty. Their inhabitants call it survival of the fittest, not much food to go around with no soil to grow it after all, but the self-proclaimed civilized races call it barbaric, evil even.South we find Tar'chi, or the great desert, home. Time seemed to stop as I directed all my energy toward recreating what I could see clearly in front of my eyes.Sheila touched my arm drawing me out of the focus I had put on my typing. “Doctor Gance? I have brought you fuel to help recharge your system.”I looked up at her at a loss for a moment as she placed a plate in front of me. Shaking my head to clear my head I looked at what she had there on the plate. My eyes wide I saw roast beef, steak, potatoes, corn more than it seemed that I would. After our dance she got our dessert and we sat down and ate it, we also killed the bottle of wine, then my mother suggested leaving the dishes and going into the living room to watch a romantic movie. My mother poured us a couple Cognacs and we settled on the couch, we found a movie and cuddled together sipping the booze and watching the film.The movie was romantic, the booze and having such a sexy woman next to me was getting to be too much. So I decided to test the waters, I gently slid my.
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