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"Well, there's two things. First, the King and I talked it over, and we're moving the fort." Moving the fort? It would take more than nails to do that! "Specifically, we're going to build a stronghold up the Orlan river, next to that six building village with the dock and crossroad. I'm sure you remember it from the Exodus. That's going to be our northern most outpost, and it'll be our job to keep the fucking Elves away."There were rumbles of approval, Lewy adding to them. Being safe and. I apologised to her for what I had said earlier in the car, she said “You don't have to apologise! …. but does that mean I'm not sexy when I'm dry ?”, “No, of course not, I meant that... you … err ….” I stammered. She giggled her girly giggle and walked off showing off her sexy female wiggle as she did so.Only a few minutes later I received an email from her asking if I wanted to come to a party this weekend, I replied that I would love to. She replied stating that it was at “Daddy's House”. I. "Hun, I don't think they make breastforms that large."Jimmy smiled and poked me in the side. "I suppose not. So what's next?" Well, now that you've got tits, you need," I reached into a bag and pulledout, "a bra." Oh, it's so pretty."It was a pink, lacy thing. More pretty than functional. "I thought you'dlike it."I helped him into it. He tried snapping it in back, but needed my help."Aw, gee," he said, "that's harder than it looks." It just takes practice. You'll get the hang of it. The. .....”Uh uh” or something came from your shaking head and with out warning a big stream of piss comes out of your bladder, as your cervix is pulsing with your orgasm. “I’m so sorry” you say, “I am so full”‘It is quite natural, I will let you void shortly, do not fret“ and I grab a towel and wipe you off, then my lab coat which now has pee stains on it. I remove the sound from your cervix, and I examine your pee hole. I see that either you were born with a very large urethra, or you have done.
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