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She really liked his eyes they were so expressive. His hand was still stroking her cheek so she turned her face a little and kissed his fingers. Am I forgiven, little one? She smiled and said, There was nothing to forgive. That was all she would say. They pulled up to a shop in the middle of a tree-lined street and Michael stopped the car, killed the engine and set the brake. She looked at the shop front. Madames Fine Lingerie Emporium it read. If she were to judge the shop by its front she. A year of it had worn me down to the point of not caring about us anymore. She had bouts of it off and on over the years we were together, but this time was worse and much longer than all the other times. I wanted an escape from it, and when S came on to me I was willing to break and keep my vows. You see K over the years would threaten to go back to smoking cigarettes or even killing herself if I didn’t agree to her demands about quitting her part time jobs. (Whichever one she held for 3-6. His black dick slipped into her pussy from behind. He will be the first one to dump his black cum in my wife. Karen had a look of lust as she had a black dick up pussy as 2 black faces was sucking on her breast. It was one of the hottest pictures of chapter one. From there the rest of story one pictures were of my wife with her thick legs wrapped around a black stud as they took turns fucking her.Story two was named "White Husband but married to Black Cock" It starts off with Karen dressed in a. He grabbed her hips and lifted her ass up next to his dick and pushed in. I had never wanted my wife as badly as I did at this time.I was squirming with anticipation. I wanted a turn with my wife. She could seem my desire for her on my face and it made her smile as she was getting railed by his big cock. His hands all over her squeezing her ass and chest. Flipping her around to whatever position he wanted her in. She could see I was struggling and told him to stop for a moment. She told.
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