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I guess that's why I wasn't surprised when Paige -- that's my husband's girl -- and then Becca, our younger daughter, both came to me complaining that they suspected Corky of peeking when they were changing or taking a shower.Maybe I should have done something then, talked to Corky or let Dan do it. But I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, or upset Corky. I just told the girls to keep their doors closed. I thought that would take care of it.But then there was that incident with. I said finally said ”Come in”. I heard the door open and close and felt the footsteps as he moved towards me. He stopped right in front of me and I heard his zipper go down. I then heard his belt un buckle and a fumbling with his pants.. the next sound I heard was his pants hitting the floor around his ankles. I started to open my mouth when I felt a hand on the back of my head pushing it forward and the head of his soft cock entering my mouth. I started sucking on the head while slowly. But that same part of him, once opened up, seemed to keep him from sleeping easily and quietly. On Earth, he had 'active dreams', beyond what I would call normal, though I'm obviously not qualified to draw conclusions from that observation. In space, those nights became much more frequent. He became physically less energetic during the day. Coming to rest more quickly, often content to sit perfectly still and reflective for hours at a time. He was the complete opposite once he was asleep. His. The possibility of fucking her is quietly driving me mad. “This is probably a stupid question, but can I fuck you?”“I told you before, Andy, I’m not on the pill and . . .”“I’ve got a condom.” That stops her in her tracks. Her eyes dart from side to side as she quickly tries to think of another excuse, and then she searches my face while she tries to decide whether she really wants to have another excuse. “You’ve never fucked another girl before, have you Andy? Do you really want me to be.
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