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His socks and underwear still fit, if stretched a little.After he got home, he called Sarah. They spoke for a little while, but she still had cleaning to do, so they cut it short.He was just settling in to watch a ball game when the phone rang."Hello," he answered."Cameron is that you?" Jenifer's voice asked."Yeah it's me. When are you going to explain what's been happening to me. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little freaked," he responded."Look, I know you're freaking out. Just meet me at the place. "Not many things can babe, talk later... xoxo" After breakfast and a shower I was feeling somewhat better and more energized. I had the house to myself with my mom gone till about four and my dad gone till tonight. After the usual house chores and some TV I started getting antsy. I sat back and thought of what had become of me and my mother. This all started with a legitimate medical problem. Even so it obviously turned into something more. I tried putting myself in my mother's shoes. I. ” After placing the handset in the cradle, she calmly walked back to the gentleman, placed her hands around his neck and proceeded to assail his lips, mouth and tongue with a vengeance. He quickly scooped her up in his arms without missing a beat and carried her over to the desk. Using his right hand, he swept the desk clear of clutter, placed her ass down, and began to remove his jacket. She began to quickly assist him with his disrobing efforts, quickly jettisoning his tie. After unbuttoning. .I've missed seeing you," she said.I went about my business, showered, and watched some TV, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. I awoke, and noticed it was 12:30 A.M. I needed to be up for work in a few short hours, so I decided to just sack out on the living room sofa for the night. To my surprise, I found it impossible to sleep because thoughts of Gloria's body and her sexuality kept running through my head. I recalled the last time I had been with her, and soon, my penis was at full.
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