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His thick cock jutted up from his body, the veins knotted along the shaft. Alone on her mattress Gillian continued to erotically masturbate herself with both hands. On the bed beside us I saw Bill being sucked by the kneeling Cherall while Rob took her from behind. In front of me the group of three slowly broke apart leaving my blindfolded wife now free for Tony and I. He signalled his intentions to me. Together we gathered her up until she knelt before us. I loved the way her magnificent. She just smiled. I could see through the shadows that she was furiously going down on her thug biker. He just sat back in the booth guzzling down a beer as my wife lustfully sucked his cock. Sometimes she stopped and raised herself up to give her lover a long passionate kiss. Then she went right back to work pleasuring her man. She deep throated him until she gagged on his dick, saliva dripped from her mouth as she tried to swallow his whole organ. Then she did what I never thought I would see. ..”I cut myself off before I finished the question that I’d almost asked on auto-pilot. For the next few minutes, we sat in silence as I thought.Thought, and - if I’m being honest - stared.Mom was wearing a thin grey singlet and no bra. Even a month ago, she would only have ever worn this underneath fifteen other layers ... now, she was wearing it around the house without batting an eye. If she leaned the wrong way, she’d probably let a boob loose.Believe me, it was extraordinarily tempting to. We kissed each other passionately for at least 10 minutes. Finally we took a break.I said, "So Patti, What's the square root of 9?" 3, Why?" I knew it. You're probably smarter than me."Patti blushed."I don't know Jay. You seem pretty smart to me." So, are you a reporter Patti?" Yes, I was planning on writing a story about you." I knew it. Please Patti, don't write a nasty article about me until you get all of the facts OK?" What gave me away, Jay?" Well, I knew something was different about.
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