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As I tried not to allow him he would hit me with his hand on my bottom. Finally he threatened he will cane me if I don't take everything off. I cried as I was undressing, trying to hide my tits still in development and cock. I remained only in my socks when he said that's enough. He sent me into the corner and went out.After a few minutes he was back and had something hidden behind his back. I had to climb on the table and get into diaper position - lying on my back with legs high up in the. I stopped sucking then climbed up on the bed and removed my top and bra. John went straight for my 34DD’s and started gently massaging one while sucking the other then switched around. I couldn’t take it no more and got him to lay on the bed and mounted him cowgirl style slowly lowering myself onto his cock. God it felt so big and felt so good in my pussy. I started bouncing up and down and before long I started coming over his cock. He then sat up and got me on all fours and entered me. "I can't. I'd love to, but I've got to get this truck back now. I'm already late. But I don't care what kind of shit they give me back at dispatch. This was worth it!" You too kind, suh," she said again, glowing from his praise."Go ahead and get dressed," he told her. "Shit! I don't even know your name! My name is Greg." I's Shanika," she said, standing. "I's pleased to meet you, suh." Shanika," he repeated. "That's a pretty name. And you are one hot lady." I's jus' a nigga, suh," she said,. His name was Bo. He was in his early forties and had remained fairly good looking and fit. I found out later that Bo had worked construction for several years until his parents gave him the f****y business. He was a little standoffish when I came in. At first he looked me up and down and asked me a little background about Vick, our mutual acquaintance from home, to make sure I was the right person. Although I’d given him plenty of information he became very blunt and wanted to get concrete.
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