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She looked deeply into his eyes, pausing only for a second, then passionately kissed him. Enjoying the taste of her own juices on his tongue. He put his arms around her, kissing her deeply, probing her mouth with his tongue causing her to moan as she was again swept away into a whirlwind of lust. They stood and made their way to the bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed. She lay on her back, legs open, inviting him to come to her. He gently crawled onto the bed, kissing her and caressing her. I wondered who might have taken these pictures since Amy seemed preoccupied.” “Almost with shaking hands I turned another page to see my beautiful wife Amy, on our wedding day, a few hours before getting married, on her knees in front of a strange man. And whoever had taken the photos was good. His large, dangling balls seemed to sway as his massive cock shaft stretched Amy’s mouth. He was clearly sliding it in and out. My cock was rock hard as I looked in awe at the pictures of my wife. "Oh please, fuck me!" I begged as he broke off from kissing me. A big grin spread over his face. "I thought you'd never ask!" he smiled. Kneeling up in between my legs Uncle Tom slipped off his bathrobe and pushed it underneath us, to keep the oil off the couch, and then began to anoint his big cock with olive oil. I was moaning by this stage, rubbing my cock and being as filthy as I knew how to be. "Keep calm," he grinned. "Help is on its way." And with that he raised my knees up to my chest. She was very open and verbal sexually. She talked to me during sex, telling me what she was feeling, what she liked, etc. One morning we were fucking and I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Just imagine if you had another cock to suck while I fucked you. All hot and hard between your lips while I'm filling your juicy cunt!" She came on the spot. A heavy, screaming orgasm. While we recovered we talked about it."Would you really do that?" she asked. "I've thought about it," I admitted. "But.
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