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The two women were practically inseparable. Time seemed to fly. What started out as a simple family affair had blossomed into a huge community event. Rebecca visited so often, that Carson grew attached to the other woman. Chris made himself scarce when Rebecca visited. The only visits he looked forward to were when John came with her. The two men would often hide out and swapped war stories. It was during one of these visits that John learned about Tyrone. He never met the man, but based on. She had not changed her mind and was ready to go. I had studied the tide tables and estimated our time to Campbell River would be about noon. There would be a slack tide at two in the afternoon so if we got going now we could run into Seymour Narrows and beat the dangerous flood currents in that passage. We got our stuff together and got on our way and were soon out into the strait heading towards Quadra Island. My timing was right and we ran through the narrows with hardly a ripple underneath. I tried to help her relax by putting on the same music I had heard coming from her car radio, and it seemed to help. She said she wanted out of the state and would like it if I helped her to get away from her ex boyfriend.After a few miles she began to relax, and I saw her squirming around in her seat. I asked her if something was wrong. Her reply was a surprise to me. “I haven’t had a good orgasm in a while, and the vibration of the truck is exciting me.” I asked her if she wanted me to pull. Then I put on some porn on my phone, so I could get hard because I wanted her to see my hard dick so that she could get attracted to it. I also set up my phone in a corner and started recording so I could record her reaction to see it.So at around 6:15, I was ready with my hard cock waiting for her. I heard my room door open and quickly closed my eyes to make it look like I was asleep. She turned the lights on. I had my eyes closed so I could see nothing. Then I could feel her slightly touching.
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