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I can't watch anymore," moaned Danielle.Ken flipped it off."I am sorry, Danielle. Even I couldn't watch very much of this. This man, no this monster must be stopped. My sister was his next target after Tina, so I have personal reasons to stop him, too." I don't understand how you could have this technology and yet your sister could be a target for him." That's easy to explain. You see, we are all from this time. It is our friend Amy who is from the future. Her ship was thrown back into time and. I decided to look it up right away.No. 36, Swatow LaneTo this day I don't know what deity or spirit guided me to that doorstep to ring that doorbell. There was a sign in the window that said Rooms for Rent. The teen-ager who answered the door was nubile and very attractive. Her body language and her bad attitude prevented her from being beautiful. I discovered on the next day that she was Eurasian and answered to the name of Amanda Maria Lopez. Her jaws moved in that distinctive Brownian motion. Before we go any farther I need you to meet a very good friend of mine.”Bosco waved over at me. I was sitting next to Mark and I rose and walked to Bosco’s table. One of the visitors stood in front of me and gave me a hard look.“He is a VERY good friend of mine, James. I trust him with my life, his family as well. Please do not insult him or me.”“Is he a Brother?”“No. I have not asked him to be. The reasons are my own and should not reflect on him in a negative fashion.”James thought for a few. You are coming in…. Both of you!”I looked at Ahani and we each shrugged and everyone piled out of the van.Ahani saved me by leading the ladies around and point out the things I had for her plus some of the things that had caught her eye as well. Then while they were looking at things and taking in their native Hindi, I saw Ahani go to the counter and purchase some batteries.“You two are good for business! Since you came in I have had more customers stop buy than I see on a whole Sunday.
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