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He did get a little carried away himself during the battle and he went into far more danger than he ought to have had." It was that stupid goblin prophecy!" Gwenda exclaimed. "It had us both convinced that either one or both of us would die during this battle!"Ashburn laughed. "Even as just an apprentice Histrio, I can decipher the proper meaning, and it did not require the loss of either of your lives! 'Blood and sacrifice' the prophecy said, but did not your army give both during the battle?. ?Shake it, momma!? he called, tucking a folded five under her thong.She smiled at him as she cupped her breasts in her hands.?Hoo-eee!? he cried, laughing.The night wore on. Candy relieved Daphne, who retired to the dressing room to catch her breath, count her tips, and repair her makeup for her next performance, half an hour from now. She slid the folded bills from her waistband, unfolding and smoothing them flat on her makeup table. In the past hour, she?d earned another two hundred dollars,. "Swish, zip, swish, zip,swish, zip" The nylons sang as he slithered, undulatingacross the pale pink carpeting as fast as he could go.Finally, they steered him back through the curtains andinto the storeroom swishing and zipping all the way. Madgeclosed the curtains then we all looked on at Tim, nowexhausted barely twitching as he laid there still lookinglike a nylon worm! We all began to laugh. Tim tried tofight but his struggles only made us laugh harder at howsilly and humiliated he looked.. ”She smiled. “I can save you the time… we can go to my home if you like? My parents are at work.”“OK, I like that idea”, he said, “but how about some lunch first, I'm starving.” They sat talking easily across the table from each other. Annette was more relaxed than he could ever remember her. She laughed and giggled and when her feet touched his, she slipped off her shoes and rested her feet on his.During the pause, she again asked “So why have you never made a pass at me?”He blushed and.
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