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You do it better than some women twice your age. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy.” I said,” it doesn’t feel this good when he fucks me.”.After another minute or two he started to grunt and he said, “I hope you are safe, I just came inside you.”“I am,” I told him. He started to pull his cock out and it felt like somebody had pulled the plug out of me. I felt empty.“I am sorry that’s over, I really enjoyed that,” I told him.“You are bloody good as I said, I could do that again.”“Would you like. And, believe it or not, there are a lot of people who enjoy doing it in places other than a bed. We bought this house when Mary was just a baby and Jackie was barely two. The kids' father and I spent the first two weeks making love in every room in the house. Including the garage. And the crawl space above the hallway. And the patio. And if we had ever flown somewhere together, I'm sure he would have been able to talk me into going into a rest room with him. I'll let you in on a little secret.. I decided to make better use of my left hand now (right was still below her hand) and moved it ever so casually over her left ass cheek. All the while we were in a slow movement with our dicks and asses touching (not enough, mind to raise attention but just enough to raise other things :D). I began to squeeze her soft ass cheeks and knead them around them in my left hand. God it was heavenly. I moved my Index finger over her ass crack and pushed hard at it over the fabric of her saree.All the. She was already a few drinks deep and she had her pants off sitting sipping her drink in her g-string. After meeting Mr. P-10 (she called him P10 because he was a perfect 10). She gave him the best head I ever saw any woman give. Mr. P-10 was enjoying her oral skills. After watching him get the best head of his life. It didnt take long before they were headed to the bed room. She was anxious and excited to have him enter her *****. She had her legs spread so easily and anticipating his large.
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