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- Have him address You as ‘Mistress’- Have him kiss Your ass…make him beg to kiss Your ass.- Tie his hands and have him undress You with his mouth/teeth.- Don’t let him masturbate or touch his cock without Your permission at any time.- Tie his hands behind his back. Have him kneel with knees spread naked in front of You while You read or watch TV, occasionally nudging his balls or penis with Your shoes.- Either order him to stay erect, or don’t give him permission to have a hard on… either way,. She waits. Now. Do you know this word? What is "now", to a slave girl, toa Taiyiha? We must consider this, just as she does. For Jacqueline it is the moment, this moment. All her life seems this moment,and the next and the next, one after another after another, unending. She isforever in the now, in the present. There is still a sense of time in her,an ability to distinguish yesterday from today from tomorrow, but these things,all of them, are still the present, the ongoing passage of time that. Spreading lotion on her thighs while staring at her big bottom had me raging, thinking of all sorts of improper things. I knew she expected it, so I massaged lotion into her gorgeously huge butt cheeks, wishing I were kissing them instead.When I stopped and leaned back looking at all that flesh, she asked, "Want me to turn over?"Without thinking in almost a whisper I said, "Oh please."The big woman did a pushup from her knees and rolled over centering herself on the lounger cushion. As she. I loved 'em both."Hmmmm, yeaaah," Kimmi moaned."Ohhhh, shiiit, yessss," Melissa moaned.I don't think Kimmi and Melissa knew that we had an audience now. Their moans and groans had awaken Kimmi's roommates. I laughed as I continued our show while watching them watch us. There was one girl all up in our business. She was in the bunk above us, with her head upside as she stared at us nonstop with a first row seat. I wasn't sure if she was enjoying our scene or wanted her damn sleep. She said.
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