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The dark patch of pubic hair was prominent but even more intriguing was the outline of his cock. I couldn't judge how round it was but it was long enough to cover his nuts and then some. I stared at my well hung brother just enough to feel depraved then diverted my eyes, wiped my pussy then fled the room. I didn't flush because I didn't want him to know I was there.He came into the room wearing pajama pants, no shirt and went to the sleeping bag. Earlier he had found a foam pad in the garage. She opened the door and called to Bob but got no answer. Suddenly a black gloved hand covered her mouth and and an arm pinned her neck. Bob is not here the man said, but if you do as I say and do not scream you may live to see him. Jodie nodded that she did and was d**g into her "play room" I noticed that there are a lot of fun "toys" in here as he shoved her to the bondage bed. Cuff your legs tight I do not want to get close to you feet if you happen to be stupid enough to try to kick me.. For 6 months Susie had been put across her 21-year-old daughters lap on so many occasions she had lost count. On every occasion she ended up in tears, floods of them, as she felt her daughters hand on her bare bottom, as well as the hard wooden back of the hairbrush, and more and more had to accept the long thin kiss of the cane. Zoe’s punishment implement of last resort it had to be said. The hairbrush was what she enjoyed giving most. Yes, enjoyed is the right word as she got a buzz out of. "Come on Max, you know damn well he doesn't need a pistol. He is like you. He will just rip out their jugular vein with his teeth. Don't let that balding head fool you." she said."Okay, I know he will take care of me. So send him in, when you leave but I'm going to sleep most of the time. I am not going to entertain him." I said."Duh, you have been asleep since the accident yesterday," she said."You mean it's only been one day?" I asked not believing I could have been in and out that many time.
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