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In fact Bindu proposed me. How can I reject such an offer from a Diva? ‘’We both did our B.E (Engineering, E & C) in same college’’. This story is about 6 years ago.We were in 3rd semester and daily looking each other. Slow and steadily smiles, greetings and wishes happened, I was the first to initiate. Later developed friendship during labs. Friendship was growing ever strong through exchange of personal information regarding family, interest, hobbies, notes, books, lab manuals. We were having. Before she closed her eyes with a sigh of contentment she caught a glimpse of his virilely throbbing penis jutting up out in front of his waistcoat. It was a ridiculous sight but she didn't feel like laughing... Sucking Cliff's cock had made her so hotly aroused that she felt she could take on ten men, one after another... first Jock, then Axel, then whoever else wanted a run for their money. She was free from all her old fears and inhibitions now. She had found her true element in her sexual. She thrusts her hips shoving her cock deep inside Lucy’s ass. Lucy cry’s loudly. Becky pulls her cock out and fake drys Lucy’s gaping hole. She shoves her cock back in as Lucy cries, begging for mercy. Finally Becky unloads her balls in Lucy’s ass. Becky grabs the camera and holds it to the beat up asshole. She laughed we don’t waist cum and she starts sucking the brown hole. Lucy’s hole opens shooting the cum into beckys mouth. They both look at the monitor 1543 people money still trying to. If you want to watch youd better go hide in the hotel room fast. I went straight back to the hotel room not knowing if Jen was bluffing or whether she really was going bringing Steve back. I know I had a fantasy to see her with another man but did I really want her to fuck another man? I suppose I was about to find out. I hid in the cupboard of the hotel room and also hid a video camera to catch all the action. Within a few minute the door opened and in walked Jen and then I heard a mans.
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