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I knew I would have to do something special to make up for it to her the next night, but all I really wanted to do was sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off quickly.At some point during the night I woke up. I rolled over to snuggle up to Cindy, who was lying on her side with her back to me. I could feel her silky nightgown. Without seeing it, I knew it was the red one that barely covered her ass. She was naked underneath, which started to get me turned on.As my cock started to get hard, I. Greg then went on to lie down on the bed with my wife still trapped in that compromising position on top of him, while Jimmy went off to open the room door and led another four more black guys into the room. Upon realising what's about to happen, my wife started to protest and struggle but was useless against the much bigger and stronger Greg. Seeing my wife in such an exposed position, the new guys wasted no time getting naked and revealing their formidable cocks, which are all about the same. I was on a rowing machine and noticed a tall dark man position himself on a weight lifting apparatus directly opposite me. I could see he was staring intently at me and I could almost imagine that as he pulled the weight arm down he slightly thrust his hips towards me. I wasn’t sure if he was maybe wearing support underwear as he seemed to have a huge package. His body was pure muscle, but not huge. It seemed a naturally muscular body, not a body builder. His skin was dark brown with. "Raylene responded "there's no reason to be scared, we all have a first time. I'll show you everything you need to know if you want to learn." Well" the teen sputtered, "I've been practicing....want to see how" Ashley asked as her face began to turn bright red while she lowered her head."Umm, sure" Tim said."How about we head inside. We can get comfortable and you can show us if you want. But please, don't do anything you don't want to" Raylene told the teen.The three of them got up and walked.
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