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.. Whatever makes you think that?" She's laughing at me, enjoying my arousal, basking in my desire for her. "Look, why don't you tell me exactly what you have in mind, sweetheart, and I'll tell you how much I'm gonna like it."I'm about to respond to this when there's a key in the front door.Fiona rolls her eyes and sits up on the sofa. There's no panic (quite the opposite, she seems calmly amused by her husband coming home at this juncture) but she does pull her robe into some sort of order and. I said why don’t we go together. As she gathered a couple of movies she slowly went up the stairs. And my god, the swaying of her juicy ass caught me at my steps. As her, every step lunged her ass from side to side. Once we reached the floor, I still couldn’t stop staring. She caught me looking and giggled and said ‘what are you doing’. I was like it was nothing, just liked the kurti so was admiring it. She blushed a bit, ‘so what movie will we watch?’I was already in my cinematic view of her. It might have been more people than we had at New Year’s. Of course, Kate led all the women in dancing.We were all getting nervous about the big tournament. Last year, we didn’t have a team—it was just me and I was an unknown player ranked as Elite. This year, with eight of us competing, we would be eligible for team trophies. That was cool, even if we didn’t win anything.Coach Jacobson arranged to take us to the airport in a team bus. Sam was coming down with us and was in charge of all the. But, was this the original, or a copy? As good as the quality was, I suspected it was the original, but I couldn't be certain. I had to do something about that - I couldn't stand the thought of my baby finding out through some sick locker room gossip that her rape had been recorded.As often is the case when there seems to be no clear way to go, an opportunity presented itself the same day to deal with the situation with Cindi. That evening Cindi and Amy had another fight. This one was bad.
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