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That done, I went in search of my family and breakfast."If I continue to eat this way, day in and day out, until we get home, you will have to hire a damned fork lift to haul me off this boat," Mr. Bell was expressing, for the fourth time in two days, his enthusiastic approval of the kitchen aboard the SOULMATES II.We were alone, sitting on the top deck, taking in the salt air, soft breezes, and almost absolute quiet. It was our third day out since leaving Italy, and the weather, like the food,. He had a nice load for me, nearly as big as Jose's, and I just kept sucking and swallowing, getting every last drop. When he pulled away from me, he was laughing. He said something to Jose, then he said, "Holy shit man, I never came like that before in my life!" Glad you liked it," I said, grinning.I looked over at Jose and saw that he was hard again. He said something to Eddie in Spanish, Eddie told him "No," then said to me, "We have to get the truck back before the warehouse guys leave. If. Humour me, Angel. I'd rather be safe than sorry."The rest of their morning was spent making arrangements with the marina's boatyard, moving the Gon Waki 2 to where Juan could get to the mast, then climbing onto the hotel's shuttle bus for the ride to Colon. Because of the way the hotel was situated in relation to the city, their route took them west towards the old Spanish fort, south across the canal waterway, and back up to the seaport itself.Most of that day was spent snooping through. Be that as it might, this one man, this ultimate stud, is Lyonel Baratheon.From other tellings of this world, you dear reader might know a piece of human waste named Joffrey Baratheon. Be reassured, he is not part of this tale. In this alternate turn of events, Robert Baratheon did get to father Cercei Lannisters first child. The other two are still the results of her forbidden love to her brother. But this first child, Lyonel Baratheon, turned out like fine wine compared to the sour vinegar.
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