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Zoella's eyes shot open in surprise, but she knew better than to bite down. Pushing deeper into her mouth, Logan Paul timed his thrusts with RiceGum, this time thrusting in synchrony, so that her mouth and pussy were filled simultaneously.Zoella gagged as the cock struck the back of her throat, but she was helpless. Logan Paul had both of his hands on the sides of her head, keeping her steady, while RiceGum mauled her tits and impaled her from behind. No attention was paid to her strangled. "You guys will never guess what happened to me. I went with my parents to Atlantic City for four days so my dad could gamble and my mother likes to go to play bingo. I don't usually go with them but I went this time because there was no one to take care of me while they were gone. Ellen's sister in Wisconsin was sick and Ellen had to go to be with her. We stayed at Ballys where they usually stay and play. Since minors aren't allowed in the casino areas I went to the beach or the pool most days. They figured "WHY NOT? SHE'S RIPE." They pulled up my T-shirt and played with my boobs, and I must have had a dream, because my panties had a wet place. They were "Granny Panties" that I slept in when it was hot. They didn't show much of anything, but they got turned on. I wasn't much different then, from how I am, now, except, then, I didn't shave between my legs. I went out of my way, though, to keep myself clean. I washed "HER" as I called it, several times a day, and ALWAYS before I went to. After casting a cautious look at Christine, Erik began with a snail-like slowness to imagine himself wrapping a thick black cloak around his body. When she did not seem to notice, he drew the imagined hood over his head."Ah, oui! That should keep her from hearing my thoughts. I need to consider our situation and confront my fears in private. Christine does not need to know of my doubts, as it will only add to the burden she already bears. I must gather my thoughts and banish my uncertainties. I.
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