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I was in the laboratory with the kids when my phone rang. It was Dan. “Your husband wouldn’t be home till Saturday noon so why wouldn’t you go home at the same time he does?” Dan seems to know everything about me. Although I felt a bit of annoyance because someone is messing up our life that seems to have been monitoring my movement and that of my family, I still couldn’t escape the thought that I am under the spell of Dan. The room Dan rented was larger and cozier than in the motel in our. “Hands by your sides,” she said as she watched it grow bigger. Then she made me stand astride the piano stool and bend over. “This is for not practicing,” she said as she brought down the first of three strokes, swish, swish, swish and I leapt up holding my bum. She tapped the end of the cane across my swelling cock, “If you don’t control yourself, I will give him six as well.” Again, I was made to take up my position, spread legged over the stool. “These are for lying to me about how much. I felt a hand on my turgid shaft, and then the lips. He didn't take it as though he'd not eaten in a month; rather, he began to kiss the head. Quite pleasing. After a few minutes of oral penetration, he placed a couple of fingers on the base of my cock, as he worked the head with his mouth. He wasn't particularly adept, but he seemed to be giving it his all. After a few more minutes, I withdrew, squatted at the hole and whispered "It needs to be a 2-way street. When you've drained me, it's my. It is where civilisation stops for a little bit, giving way to an area filled with parks woods and long sloping drives up to fantastic, giant old houses.It is all a bit of a whirl but I think I remember following her down into the basement of one of the mansions.It was an incredible bar.I couldn't believe it was so close to my place but yet I had never heard of it. Dark, with blue neon glows from the lavish cocktail bar ended in a two-tiered dance floor. A deep, low thunderous base rhythm.
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