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)“You know how long it's been since my husband touch me like that” she whispered breathlessly.“A few years…” I whispered.“Try since our honeymoon, ever since he got the job, it's been job first…” she whispered.“What a fool, a man should never let a hot piece of ass like you pass by” I whispered.“Hhmmm… watch it, I might punish you” she whispered humorously.“In that case… you've been a very bad teacher Mrs. Stracci, I might need to reexamine your oral exam” I whispered to her. “Uuhhh… I have an. Asthe statue morphed into a living being, it was not a handsome man shesaw, but a horrible demon, with red skin, yellow lizard eyes and goathoofs instead of feet. The way Yannis'Dana'e changed was also not thesame. In parallel to turning into a woman, she developed small horns inher forehead and a tail which ended in an arrow point. Her skin becamered, her eyes became lizard eyes and her feet morphed into hoofs. Themost horrible change, however, was the tongue, which became forked likethe one. .... It was a Friday night and it was my 25th Birthday. Rob called me and told me to doll up and look good ,he was taking me out for drinks. He picked me up and drove out to a club to what seemed a million miles away out in the middle of nowhere. It was kinda dingy , with a rough crowd..but I didn't care,I just wanted to drink. He started me off with One, then Two.....guys would come up buying me drinks because he had the band announce it to everyone!I was getting so drunk...when a very. 'I'm not sure yet', she responds. The camera moves back down and around again just in time to show his his now softening cock slipping out of her swollen pussy followed by a flood of cum gushing out of her wide open cunt lips. Her gaping hole is swimming in his creamy spunk and her clit looks huge and erect as she reaches down and traces the outline of her engorged labia with a lazy index finger then scoops some cum up – the camera follows as she raises her land to her mouth and greedily licks.
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