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Carol put her arms around Jake's neck and gave him a hot tongue twirling kiss. They both moaned and said it's been too long. I was mesmerized by Jake's black hands on Carol's pale skin. Jake slowly pulled the halter top off. Picture. He stood back and took in Carol's vision of pure sex. Carol ran her hands over her tits and pinched her nipples. Picture. Jake put his hands over Carol's and they both caressed her tits and then moved down to the thong. Picture. Carol spread her legs giving. I took fast, soft licks between her lips, feeling and tasting her nectar rising between her lips. With one long, slow lick, I pushed my tongue between her lips, passed over the warmth of her hole, and rested against her clit. The tip of my tongue danced across her clit, and she pushed her hips up to meet me. With my fingers, I pulled open her lips, and my tongue again explored between them, savouring the wetness and the softness of her womanhood. Again and again, I licked and kissed her cunt,. It'd be like pulling on a thread and unraveling the entire jersey. It *is* restrictive and no doubt I do it other ways if it suits, but it really was the only way to keep 50 separate story threads going.(*Wendy-J) Oh I see.(Nostrumo) Hm, then you might have to try a better weave pattern.(Darkside) Nost, I'll give it a go cheers! Y(Vickie) Sometimes your plots seem to me like intricate computer programs. (Not that I get past the duh stage myself reading programs.)(Darkside) They are intricate. But when I get up close I can see that's just a lot of dots that change their color."The picture changed to an ad that showed two little boys taking crockery plates out of a box and putting them onto a normal gym-type treadmill, which would fire them at high speed into a wall, whereupon bits would go in all directions. The two little boys looked around at the camera with an evil, self-satisfied smile on their face. It was an ad for a health insurance company. It didn't make a lot of sense but.
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