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Coming to me I was very shy kind of guy but full of sex and I was too despo for sex. I had no bad intentions towards her but one night it all happen suddenly and one night we and all my cousins were going for sleep but due to lack of space in hall and we all had to adjust so we all cousins were sleeping on floor and our mothers on bed.I was the last to sleep on the floor with sufficient space for me only suddenly my massi laid on the floor and said main zameen par soungi upar hawa nahi aa. With a scowl on my face, I sighed, and debated on using the front door or the window. "You going in or what?" Startled out of my thoughts, I whirled around, surprised to find a blonde woman with red nails standing behind me. She had a sour look on her face. "Er...um....I was...just..." "Alina?" I turned back around, and blinked up at the man who clearly towered above me. His red eyes surveyed me with mild annoyance, and I took this to be my guy. "Uh...yea...you must be..." He extended a hand. “Please give this to him the next time you see him. If he asks if I said anything, tell him this, “His big black cock was the best cock I have ever been fucked by, and I'm looking forward to the day it is again buried deep it in my cunt.”“Oh my god, Amber, you are such a whore! But I love you.”There were hugs and kisses all around before we left to go back to our boat.Once we were back on our boat, we were ready to hit the sack. Jake and Sally went to bed early, Brett and I were not far behind.. She excused herself to use the rest room and I continued to enjoy the view from her room which overlooked the harbor, which even at this time of night, was pretty good.I noticed her reflection as she returned and I turned to look at her, I noticed she had taken her shoes and her stockings off. Damn, I would like to have taken those stockings off myself, I thought. As she returned she kissed me deeply, our tongues exploring each others mouths. I slid my hand down and put it firmly on her ass.
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