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Me: Have you ever put a clothes pin on your own body? Her: yes, i have put a clothes pin on my nipples before. my Master also did that many times when i was with him…. Me: I want you to do put the clothes pin on both of your nipples again. Not tonight. Tomorrow night. Tonight, you will just have to think about this. Tomorrow night, you will put them on your nipples and leave them for 5 minutes and take them off for 10 seconds, and then put then on again for 5 minutes. While they are on, you. Well one day he was out at work and his wife came round, I answered the door and could tell right away she had been crying, "whats wrong donna" I asked, she told me she had had a fight with her husband before he had went to work, I told her to come in and made her a cup of tea and we talked. Now donna is 39 with an amazing figure nice big tits sexy curves perfect bum blond hair and green eyes, her daughter steph is 20 and has a swimmers body I guess you would call it all tight and toned with. I was insanely horny thinking about it. My pussy was getting wetter as the day went on. I went to class in the morning and I almost considered going back to my dorm to change my panties by lunch. I didn't want a visible wet stain. But I also loved the feeling of wearing wet panties, so I didn't change them.After lunch I had about 2 hours to kill before my final class of the day started and I had nothing to do until then. Normally during a long break between classes I would find a quiet spot on. " It's APPROPRIATE punishment. I promised God that when you disobeyed an order of mine, I'd punish you appropriately. I ordered you to say certain things when you stood up, and you changed them, so technically speaking you disobeyed one of my orders so I had to punish you appropriately. I think this is VERY appropriate, don't you?" Haha. Thank you for being so nice to me, Mark. {Moan}. And you too, Carol."I waited for it, watching Nevaeh enjoy herself until...It took her all of fifteen seconds,.
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