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The way her fingernails graze my scalp sends tiny sparks through every nerve in my body and I sigh, cascading hot breath over her. I briefly catch sight of her biting down on her lower lip before she gently pulls me into her.I start with the very tip of my tongue, just letting it tease her lips, and I slow my fingers to a stop so as to ensure she focuses on what I’m doing with my mouth. Her breathing is shallow, short, and controlled as I just barely flick my tongue around—but not on—her clit.. Only a slight smile and the flick of a long eyelash revealed her acknowledgement of an occasional muffled 'wow' or low whistle.As she neared, I focused on her knitted mini dress, watching the hem hugging and caressing a shapely upper thigh on each forward step. A creased V framed her pubic area, as her strides emphasized one side and then the other under her well-defined abdomen, while other creases fondled her curvaceous hips and wasp waist. Her supple breasts moved freely, under the soft. I'm not really over it.” “Do you want to talk about it?” “No.” Southern stepped up against him putting a hand behind his head and stepping up onto her toes she kissed him firmly on the lips. He slipped a hand behind her back, returning the kiss. When she broke the embrace and stepped away Duncan did not follow. “Would you stay with me tonight?” Southern asked. “I think maybe the couch is the better idea,” Duncan said hesitantly. “Now really isn’t the time to try and be virtuous.” “Southern.”. "No, no, no," she says as she rushes over to stop me in my tracks. "Answer my question. What the fuck are you doing?" I was trying to release some tension," I replied."Yeah and just how were you doing that?"Looking extremely puzzled at her question and not knowing what she was getting at I decided that I really didn't have much to lose by telling her the truth. "I was jacking off." No, don't tell me. Show me," she said coyly.My cock started throbbing again and I got comfortable in my chair.
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