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A perfect handful just begging to be cupped in the palm of my hand. Nipples just bursting to be pinched and licked. My cock sprang up, pushing out the front of my pants . . . as I stared at her. What amazed me . . . was that she was going to do this, topless . . . just like real lovers.She reached for my belt buckle and began to tug and pull at my pants. "Now, help me. We don't have a lot of time. I have to be back for my next class and you have to be ready . . . when the girls start coming. The sight of her naked arse grinding away was intoxicating and the chat ceased altogether. Eddy moved round them with the camera zooming in and out as Nick french kissed her.The couple danced for the duration of the song with Nick’s hands ending up firmly on her arse cheeks, pressing her pussy up against his rapidly enlarging prick. He stepped back when the guitars stopped, gazed at the luscious wench and blurted“Bukkake”“Hell yeah” yelled Eddy“Top idea mate”. I laughed delightedlyI grabbed a. One hand wrapped around your glass and the index finger of the other hand gently stroked your bottom lip. “So this is a semi-social meeting, to see if we both like. Will we then part and go our separate ways? Will I return to my friends and carry on with my evening as if you never walked through the door?” You looked so stern, but your voice was pure sex. Making my nipples harden and my pussy lips started to swell. I was trying hard not to mirror your actions; being aware of the eyes watching. Some of my men will surrender, too. Others want to withdraw.”“Not acceptable. Go back. There is no negotiation. There will be no withdrawal. Those who want to surrender may exit their vehicles with their hands up and no weapons. Any others will be killed. Any attempting to withdraw will be killed.” I got back in the truck, as did Pam.Jones’ shoulders slumped. He said, “We didn’t know you had rockets. I will go back and talk. Hold off for a while.”“We will only attack those who come at us or who.
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