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You deserve it.’ Barbara put the bottle to her lips and started slugging it down. Stopping after one mouthful she looked at them saying, ‘You fuckin’ bastards.’ ‘What’s the matter, cunt,’ one said. ‘Our piss not good enough for you. You like it and you know it. Now drink up.’ Barbara put the bottle of hot piss back to her lips and drank the rest without stopping, while the other two each poured their bottle of hot urine on her head and face watching it drench her entire body. When the bottles. She was all ready to get fucked again. She said, “Why are you so bad? Why did you let me go to bath if you wanted to fuck me again?” I said, “I wanted to see someone’s reaction looking at you like that.” She hit me again with smile on her face and kissed me.I just removed my pants and started fucking her once again. She was responding to very thrust of mine as it was sending waves to her body. And I was nowhere near to cum, as we had sex just before some time. I fucked and fucked and fucked her. " "Make LOVE." I have two women that I love telling me that Dave is who I need.I'm really not that good of a lesbian. Don't get me wrong ... On every level, Pat has lifted me. She showed me that sex was something to be shared and relished and given and taken. My first lesbian contact. Carlita was my second.I don't know how many boys, exactly. None of them was any good. Pat and Carlita. Good.That day on the water ... Dave was floating on his back when Pat and I swam around the stern of the boat.. Mumtaz was depressed but fully active in her case.Dressed in formal black trousers and a black jacket with a white shirt inside and a white tie, Mumtaz was dressed like a professional lawyer. Mumtaz had started an attraction to trendy colorful lacy lingerie and bought at least a dozen from ‘Enchanted.’Right now, Mumtaz was wearing a pinkish white lacy lingerie with floral patterns inside her suit. She had worn a bra with padded cups, which made her breasts look larger. But the head veil still.
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