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"Do you know what I do to girls like you?" he asked conversationally, lifting her breasts from behind and massaging the nipples gently. The girl shuddered with excitement, her breath coming in excited pants."Yes," she whispered, "you…you…you hang us…by our breasts." Very good," he told her, "and do you know what that does?"She shook her head slowly and he dropped her breasts, came back around to face her. "Let me show you…"And he led her into the room, the one where they all suffered, where his. We get to our room and i pick her up and carry her over the threshhold. she had never been with an indian and i had never been with a black girl. i carry her to the bed and i kiss her lips for the first time. she wraps her arms around me and kisses back. the passion of our kissing could have started a fire. my hands were running up and down her thighs feeling how smooth they were. as my hand moves closer to her pussy she asks if i have any condoms. i have to tell her no so she insists. Soon they were called to go to the customer service desk, confused they walk up together so see what is going on. They are greeted at the counter by and very friendly associate, ‘Hi Mark and Beth?’ Mark responds, ‘Yes that is us, is something wrong?’ ‘The reason we paged you is because it looks like we oversold our coach section and it’s completely booked up. We here at the airline are so very sorry about that and would like you to accept this free upgrade to our first class section to make up. Joe wielded that old Ford out onto the side street, romped on it to the stoplight and turned right on route 50. “Kirby here is my buddy who used to live in Denver. He lives down here now, Mike but he’s gonna ride up to Denver with me. We’re goin’ to the Branding Iron tonight. Wanna make it a threesome?” “Joe, I ain’t old enough to drink.” I answered invoking a rather lame redneck accent. “At that joint if you’re big enough you’re old enough,” Kirby sort of growled in a deadpan way. All three.
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