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I felt so trapped and vulnerable, I didnt think I could turn to anyone. Eventually I got help and got out the crazy situation but its left me with serious trust issues. Sometimes I get scared these things may come back to haunt me and ruin things for me but so far so good! Lets hope it stays that way. Fingers crossed! Jamess story Dreading my 30th birthday Ive become a party animal trying to drink away the pain of a failed love affair with who I thought was the love of my life. Id known her. God only knows where I am. Try as hard I could I could not get the top to move. After what seemed like hours, I heard Mistresses voice.Listen closely. You have an hour to figure out how to get out of your coffin. At the end of the hour if you have not gotten out there will be hell to pay…..Panic set in and I screamed and screamed. I broke out in a sweat and it felt hard to breathe. Then it hit me. Mistress was testing me. She would not kill me and she only said that there would be hell to. Still naked, he considered going in there and getting into the shower with her. But he didn’t. It would be out of character and he was sure that she would see through him and recognize his guilt and know that he’d been up to something naughty.He told himself he would stay away from the strip club. But he didn’t.----The next week there he was again, seated at the bar. Sara smiled and gave him the eye as she did her act. She was dressed differently this time and he watched her as she peeled off. Beside it was scissors comb and a razor. Taking Megan's hands Savannah pulled her to her. Reaching into her robe Savannah hugged her tightly and said don't worry, you'll love how it feels. Bringing her hands up Savannah pushed pushed her robe off her shoulders. Letting it drop to the floor Megan looked back to the table. Guiding Megan to the dinner table, Savannah instructed her how to lay with her legs apart and knees up.Sitting the table was cold against her bare skin. Nervously she fallowed.
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