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A wait adds to their apprehension and builds up the tension.”When the tour was complete, Sylvia left Millicent in her office. “Your first job will be to welcome a Mrs Joanne Thimble.” Sylvia looked at her watch. “She should be arriving in about half an hour. She is a newbie, who answered one of our adverts. She will be having a spanking audition, which I shall administer. If all goes well, she may return for a more intense session. Please make her a coffee and show her into the waiting room.. Ruth looked and then finally noticed that Timmy was wearing women's jeans!She hadn't paid any attention but there they were, a woman's name tag onthe back, the extra flourish on the trim and the sewing at the backpockets and the general shape of the garment showed indeed that Timmy waswearing women's jeans."Go ahead Timmy. Don't be nervous," Madge cooed. "Take off those tennisshoes dear. That's it. Slip out of those ugly sweat socks," she said asshe looked on. Madge giggled as Ruth gasped. Panicking I tried to struggle loose when two more hands seized me by the neck. Through bleary eyes I recognized the face of Daniel and knew that the other hands belong to Bruce and Charlie. I froze my movements and waited for Daniel to speak, a big smile crept across his lips as he said '...see boys I told you we ain't gonna have to fight to fuck!!!...' I trembled as he spoke knowing that there was no one near to come to my aide, my mind swiftly raced back asking why did I have to run this. I start to thrust my hips back and forth fucking it as she holds it. She must be watching me do this and it is very humiliating, but feels so good. I was getting close to shooting when I feel it pulled off my cock. She told me, to bad, you took to long. Then I feel her holding a handful of ice on my cock as she must have thought it would cool me down. When she is done with the ice, I hear her at the table again. I try to remember what is left on the table that she could use on me, when I.
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