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D- Can you come over right now?A- It is 1 AM in the morning. Are you crazy?D- No, seriously. My parents are sleeping. I would latch their bedroom door from outside, and they won’t come to know.A- Do you expect me to come through your gate, and no one would know?D-No, there’s an empty plot behind my house. Park your vehicle in front of that. Cross the plot and jump into my house. I’ll let you in from the back door.I knew it was a bad idea. But the imagination of going to her and burying myself. "He knew better by now than to resist. She was his clearly his better. Stronger, more intelligent, and he knew it.She slipped a piece of cloth underneath his bare behind. It was common knowledge that cloth diapers were much more humiliating than plastic. Especially when you used many of them.The moment had finally arrived for her. She had her very own sissy. This was a moment every womyn looked forward to. She would never have to do chores again, and she had a personal plaything who cost little. I felt a hand slipping under my skirt and up between my thighs. He wouldsoon know how excited I really was. I felt like I was practicallydripping.I moved and got completely on my knees now knowing my balance was aboutto become very unstable. Then I went back to work pulling his cock fromthe panty that had held it. I leaned to take him into my mouth and felthis fingers slip into me with ease. He thumbed my clit while slowlyworking two other fingers in and out. I licked and sucked enjoying. I walked back into the room and stood with my legs spread and arms behindmy head. My Master asked Sir Thomas if he wanted me and he answered affirmativelyand my Master said, ?she is yours?. Do anything you please but leaveher ass to me. Sir Thomas instructed me to stand in front of him andmade the comment that this will be great fun. He immediately fastened her tothe wall in the living room and began feeling her all over. Licking herinner thigh and her breasts. One more instruction to me.
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