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He came around and sat opposite me, offering a cup of tea, then sat back and started sipping his.'You are like your sister', were his first words, 'She used to tease me in the morning, walking around in the nude, with a big smile on her face'.My older sister Pia, left home almost five years ago to go to University, she now across in Göteborg, rarely visiting, and I began to wonder if that was the reason.'Did you two do it', I asked him, curious if she went that far, because I could remember her. Things went well for a couple of months and the clients came and went, we used a different motel each time and a different town each week. I was getting plenty of orgasms John would usually slip in the line up so he got to orgasm with me but then it all came crashing down one night when one of the guys patted me on the bum as he finished and said thanks Sue, another guy said yeh it was great as usual Sue I turned around to see Johns ashen face and two of his best mates standing there grinning.. That first night, while the others were enjoying themselves with beer and other libations and loud music late into the night, I took a long hot shower and so did BJ, After our showers I invited her to my room for a night cap. After a few sips of drink, we were soon kissing, fondling and caressing, We kissed passionately, I removed her shirt and caressed her naked breasts and nipples, she did not put on a bra after her shower, I kissed along her neckline and down to her nipples, I licked and. " His voice was an amused whisper in her ear, while that gleaming blade glided across the top of her breasts, to then slip beneath the water to tease its sharp tip across her belly."I know. I am somewhat sorry, but I had to see you panic, I wanted to see your orgasm. I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't let me know that secret, amongst others." And the dagger slid deeper in to the tub, guided by the touch of his other hand to slide across her clit, then rest tip first against her pussy lips..
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