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’ Stuart told them and unlocked the box. Everyone came around the table to him and strained to get a good look. When Stuart felt they were ready, he opened the box and heard the gasps of surprise fill the room. He held the box up and showed the two inch, rounded stone to everyone, the bull’s head detail only slightly worn away from centuries of past chiefs holding it for luck. Looks were given to Stuart in total amazement, seeing actual proof of something he had described, now being shown to. ” “That’s the only thing I can do,” she said before taking it off, this time spilling the rest of the water into my lap. “Damn, I’m such a mess…” She began soaking up the water using her shirt before looking me directly in the eyes as she began rubbing my hard cock through my pants. “What are you gonna do it about now?” “Nothing, it was an accident,” she shot back before pulling my cock out of my pants and slowly stroking it. “True…” I said as I made myself more comfortable in the seat. My. K**s are the ones who will be here when we are dead and we need them to be smart and do the right thing. I love helping people and being kind to anyone in need, I spend most of my time working for people for free, cause I have more money then I could spend in three life times. my dad died and left me alot of money but that's a story for some other time. I have two cars and one truck that I love and would cry if anything ever happen to them I mean i would lose it if someone would try to hurt my. That piddling little Velocity thing could hardly be considered more than a cargo plane. You know it’d take us more than 2 hours to fly from this continent to the next closest one and more than 8 to get to the centre of the next continent. With this, we could fly around the world in three days. If you fail to comprehend the magnitude of that statement allow me to simplify. This thing is twice as fast as the velocity.”“Yeah, it’s also 8 times as big. It must be nearly 2 kilometres long.”“2.2 to.
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Typewriter Scene 1 (Nehal Vadoliya and Shikha Sinha)

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