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I could only imagine the colourful patterns that would blossom to decorate these beautiful buttocks in a day or so. As I scrutinised her ravaged bottom, I so wanted its image etched in my mind for the future fantasies I would doubtless have about this glorious woman. Debbie was undoubtedly close to tears, but somehow there was an elation within her that told me that she had enjoyed every agonising stroke. Although she would perhaps not do it all again this very minute, I had little doubt that. . who were delighted to find she was a virgin; there was no way this one was going to be going home in the morning.Of the other girls, five chose not to ring home; the others were taken back to the station where they'd been picked up. Five were ample for the purposes of the group.None of the girls had seen Susan, who was surprised to be brought tea in bed. She wondered at the slightly odd taste, but assumed it was just the different water. The tea was laced with a phenothiazine normally used to. It was a strange thing to realize, but he was struck by her beauty; not just in the way an a****l could be said to be beautiful, but as a woman is beautiful. Her naked body, slender and sleek, could have passed for a dancer’s despite her translucent greenish skin and the gill slits along her sides. Her hair too was green, like unkempt swamp weed, but fairly short, and framed her face in a way that was actually quite pretty.He reached out, gently brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. She. And the bras didn't do much to minimize or conceal his charms; most actually did the opposite, enhancing and uplifting to make his curves even curvier.And Vic felt like his mother was watching his every move with suspicion or doubt. Every time Vic cursed when he smudged his makeup, his mother looked worried. Each time he tried to go to school with his hair barely combed and _no_ makeup, his mother fretted. Whenever Vic sat spread-legged in the easy chair, his mother's brow furrowed.Finally,.
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