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While my wife was very busty, even from a young age, Linda was the opposite. Even in high school she had some baby fat, but small tits. On the other hand, she had a thick dark pubic bush, whereas Kathaleen had just a hint of a bush. Kathaleen would often fantasize about Linda, and she admitted that she had masterbated very frequently, often with toys, as she thought about how it would be spreading Linda’s hairy pussy and tasting it until Linda exploded with a strong orgasm. One night Kathaleen. Aurora Fuchs and the all-female crew of the Starship SuperPuzzy.These all female crew of six were the vanguard of Earth’s space exploration and colonization program, each of whom were carefully handpicked from the elite space commandos, chosen not only for their bravery and fighting prowess but also for their brilliant minds. Each of these ladies had PHD’s in space science, alien biology and advance engineering.The six young women were highly equipped for the challenges of their new discovery. "Bob, of course, knew what the problem was. His baby girl was a virgin. Not that that was a problem, but it definitely interfered with the use of tampons.Briefly Bob thought of the traditional means of removing a girl's virginity. Then he mentally smacked the back of his head and told himself: "Behave, boy!" Then he cast about in his mind for something that could be used instead of the traditional means. He looked at his hand and realized his middle finger was probably the perfect size for the. You’re coming,” he says with a shade of command, then turns and walks back to join his group of shouting teammates. I pull my long hair over my shoulder and rejoin my friends, realizing my panties are wet. * Me and a few of my other friends are outside the school when the football team exits, freshly showered, a large faction of muscle. The guys see me, Dallas coming to pick me up for a massive hug. I’d say they’re all in a good mood from their win.As we drive I text my mom, telling her I’ll be.
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